Friday, June 19, 2009

Give the Gift of Cocktails

If you are on Facebook (and who isn't these days), you have probably received at least one "virtual cocktail" from a friend. I know I have and I have to say it is pretty fun to pass them back and forth. But, wouldn't it be even better if they were real. Well, Patrick Ledbetter evidently felt the same way and decided to start a new website called where you can give the gift of real, live cocktails to your friends. Simply select a drink for your friend (or at least a suggested drink, they get to choose their own), type in their name and email, add a personal message, and pay with a credit card. Your friend is then notified via email that they have a gift, which they can redeem at any bar, restaurant, club, or cafe that accepts credit cards. How cool is that! Now you can celebrate with your friends and family, even if they are miles away!

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